Thursday 4 February 2010

oh more bad news

my mother forced me off to the doctors

who saying i'm ill!

WHATEVE, it's a diet not an illness stupidoooo doctor.

so now they're all like we'll get you a eating disorder specialist and all that crap when i totally dont need it and they're only trying to make me fat which isnt hard considering i still am you can barely see any of my bones. so thats SHITTY!!!


  1. Terribly sorry to hear about that but maybe its not such a bad thing. I was put in the hospital a few years ago and I was 5'5" and still over 100 lbs... My heart was starting to give out. You're tiny and hopefully you will someday see that! Good luck with the doctors! Trust me I know how much they can suck!

  2. Know what that's like all too well. Hang in there!

  3. i hate doctors, they help but alot of times they just dont know t=what the fuck theyre talking baout!

    i just followed btw, im alice =)

  4. I'm sorry but I'm afraid you're severely underweight. U're tall, you can't weight the same as a 5' girl. Maybe the doctors aren't that mistaken. Take care
